Detroit-based graphic designer specializing in branding and publication design. Open for freelance opportunities
Modern in the Middle
Book Design
Bud Rodecker and I worked with architectural historians Susan Benjamin and Michelangelo Sabatino to design their book Modern in the Middle: Chicago Houses 1929–1975, published by Monacelli Press.

Modern in the Middle is the first survey of the classic twentieth-century houses that defined American Midwestern modernism. Accompanied by original and historical photography, this collection of essays explores the substantial yet overlooked role that Chicago and its suburbs played in the development of the modern single-family house in the twentieth century.
Monacelli Press

Bud Rodecker: Design Direction
Alyssa Arnesen: Design
Logan Doyle: Design
Designed while at Thirst and Span

Docomomo US: Modernism in America Award of Excellence

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